Jeff Loves Alicia & Alicia Loves Jeff

The blog of two crazy fools in love. Flaunting conventional wisdom and societal norms left and right...

Sunday, February 20, 2005

Jeff Loves Alicia and Alicia Loves Jeff!

Hello! Welcome to our blog! :)

The idea for this came about very simply on 2/20/05 while Alicia and I were chatting.

On Valentine's Day, I registered the domain for us...just a quick silly impulse thing, but fun, right?

I had a simple little parking page on there to surprise her, and after showing it to her we weren't sure quite what to do with the domain.

Today I was going to throw together a quick little homepage in FrontPage to replace the Yahoo! parking page that was holding the place, but silly as this sounds - I didn't have a picture of Alicia and I together to put on it.

Plus it seemed a bit presumptious for ME to decide everything that would go on the page. :)

So, this seemed like a more fun idea. We can both add to the blog as we feel like it, share what we want, and open it up to comments from friends, well-wishers, and anyone else who happens along. we are! We'll ad more biographical stuff later, and so forth, but for now, here's the little Yahoo! parking screen that was on the page before.



  • At 2:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Jeff is truely the most amazing man on the planet. Everyone should know that! He is witty, intelligent, handsome, genuine, honest, articulate, poetic, dedicated, caring, sensitive, self-aware, empathetic, fun, a complete stud who breaks beds ;), overwhelmingly incredible lover *blushing*, and absolutely amazing. I don't care who knows how much I LOVE HIM!!!! I know some will say that maybe this is a rebound thing... esp since we are both newly divorced. But, let me set the record straight. The term "rebound relationship" is just some lame excuse for why relationships fail made up by some pathetic fool who wasn't wise enough to grow up from his/her past failed relationships. Ok... that was a little rough. (I get fired up over labels... Labels suck and people use them to defer their own blame onto someone/thing else. Labels are dangerous.) Anyway, Jeff and I have both grown up and learned from our past relationships. Life is what you make of it and relationships are based on communication, honesty, and genuineness. It certainly won't be easy all the time, but it will be easier to get through life's hardships if we remember the basis for our relationship. Anyway, I am ranting. I LOVE JEFF!! He is amazing, so all you gals out there can eat your heart out... he's all mine!! (and I ain't ever going to share!!)

  • At 10:26 PM, Blogger Fensty said…

    Alicia's a sweetheart, and made this comment, but I showed her how to set it up as a blog entry instead.


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